Enforced but Necessary Relaxation

The time between Christmas and New Year’s is always tricky for me. Like so many others in our modern world, I find it really difficult to switch off. It can be really frustrating when the world is closed for business and it is impossible to get things done. I used to find it tough even getting through a Sunday!

In my last post I talked about gratitude and the importance of living in the moment. I had to remind myself of this again on the 27th of December when I was raring to go after the brief holiday break and ready to get back on the horse of life.

A post about Gratitude, for Ungrateful People

As we reach the home straight to Christmas, I am mulling over my mulled wine and thinking about an appropriate end of year post for this fledgling blog.

It is the time of thanksgiving, a holiday which, unfortunately, isn’t celebrated in our part of the world. Lots of people are posting about gratitude and all that they are grateful for as the year comes to a close.

I initially dismissed the idea of writing about gratitude because I wanted to be original. However…

The Road to Success – A Traveller’s Guide to Keeping Fit on the Road

Exercising on the road can present a particular challenge, especially if you are travelling on a budget. No gym access or home weight setup requires us to think outside the box a bit.

Today, I want to talk about the two branches of fitness I have developed over the years that have allowed me to maintain a good level of fitness, with next to no money required, regardless of where I am in the world…

Intermittent Fasting for Performers: Why and How Every Singer should do it

We’ve all heard of intermittent fasting, but what is so amazing about it? Is fasting really as healthy as they say? Why is intermittent fasting for performers so important in particular?

Why every Singer should Practice Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has recently become the hottest health trend, touted by gurus as the miracle cure to chronic disease and to improving all general health biomarkers. Is this statement a gross exaggeration or is there really something beneficial to me gained from starving ourselves?

The more important question for this blog is: how does intermittent fasting benefit singers specifically? Well let me explain…

Opera Studios in Germany: All you Need to Know

Are you an opera singer who has just finished your degree? Are you feeling a bit lost? Are you considering your next career move? Then this post is for you! Today I reveal everything you need to know about opera studios in Germany.

Opera Studios in Germany

In this post I am going to talk a bit about opera studios in Germany and compare the studio experience to being part of a house ensemble in a German opera house.

Opera studios act as a great transition between study and career for many young opera singers, and there is a lot to be said for them. Note that I say ‘many’ here, not all. I’ll explain why in a second…

Healthy Sleep for Singers, and Everyone Else

As everybody is likely only too aware, a good sleep routine has been shown to be absolutely crucial to overall health. Gone are the days when less sleep was worn as a badge of honour by business people who somehow thought that less sleep equated to being a harder worker.

For singers, good sleep is critical for consistent performance. During sleep is when a tired voice repairs. For me, it is the number one factor that contributes to whether I sing well or not…

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